We make every effort to protect your dancer but accidents happen. 

This Agreement must be completed in order to participate in the activities associated with Prima Classical Coaching (“PCC”). This policy dated January 1, 2024 is subject to change at any time. I am familiar with the activities that take place during regular classes, rehearsals, and productions, and as the legal guardian of my designated minor participant(s) or the adult participant, I hereby consent to the following.  

I will participate or authorize the Participant to participate in the activities listed above at the facilities of Prima Classical Coaching, and performance venues including but not limited to Hopkins High School and the Masonic Heritage Center. I understand that such participation can include foreseeable and unforeseeable risks and other hazardous activities inherent to the activities at Prima Classical Coaching, which may expose the participant to illness, injury, or death. Participant or Guardian/Parent freely and voluntarily participates or allows participation in the Production with the knowledge of the danger involved and hereby agrees to assume and accept any and all risk of injury or death.


Participant or Guardian of Participant understands and acknowledges that PCC are not insurers of Participant's behavior, actions or participation in PCC programs, and that PCC assumes no liability whatsoever for personal injuries or property damages to Participant or to third persons arising out of Participation in the activities of the Production. Participant or Guardian hereby agrees to release, waive, covenant not to sue, indemnify and hold harmless the PCC, and all of their officers, employees and agents (collectively the "Releases") from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions and causes of action whatsoever arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury, including death, that may be sustained by Participant or loss or damage to any property belonging to Participant arising out of or related to participation in the above PCC activities, and excepting only such loss, damage or injury as may be caused by the sole negligence of any Release.

I understand that participation in PCC programming requires a sustained, repetitive, vigorous physical activity, usually performed on a hard or lightly padded surface without protective footwear. It is also understood that dance instruction and rehearsals involve kinetic corrections that may include physically touching the Participant as part of regular classwork and rehearsals. I understand that participants engage in a broad range of quick movements, bending, twisting, running, leaping and lifting, which place extreme demands on the human body, including stress of joints and ligaments, repetitive impact, and occasional falls, slips and collisions with other participants and objects.

I also understand that PCC is not staffed to monitor and supervise the activities of its Participants in PCC programs at all times.

I also understand that there are inherent risks of serious personal injury involved in all of the above activities as well as in the general participation in PCC activities and events. I voluntarily assume and accept such risks of personal injury and illnesses arising from my/my child's attendance and participation in such activities and events. I hereby release Prima Classical Coaching (PCC), its trustees, employees and agents from all actions, claims or demands that I, my child, our heirs or representatives now have or may hereafter have for personal injuries or property damage resulting from our attendance at and/or participation in PCC activities and events. I agree that this release includes personal injury or property damages caused in whole or in part by negligence, active or passive, of PCC, its trustees, employees and agents. This release does not apply to liability for willful injury or fraud. This permission and release shall remain effective through the end of the registered programs, unless and until a written revocation is delivered to Prima Classical Coaching Owner and Director.

Participant does not have any medical conditions that would prevent participation in PCC programming.
Participant has adequate health insurance to cover the costs of treatment in the event of any injury.
Participant shall pay any attorney fees or costs incurred by Prima Classical Coaching in enforcing this Agreement.

If any portion of this Agreement is held to be invalid by a court of law, then it is agreed and intended that all the remainder shall, notwithstanding, continue in full force and effect.

7385 Bush Lake Road

Edina, MN 55439
